Because life is meant to be shared.
You Do What?!
When I accepted my first international teaching job, I was excited to keep teaching and to live in a new place. I was excited to be...
Celebrating Black History Month Abroad
Read about first experience celebrating Black History Month abroad.
Goodbye 2021, Hello 2022!
Happy New Year y’all! It’s my first blog post of 2022! While I know that we are three (almost four) weeks deep into this thing, I am...
I Am Loved. Thank you!
God loves me. And I know this because of the community placed in my life. Memories from the past two months will forever be etched in my...
Lesson 20: Honesty Is The Best Policy!
Lesson 20: Honesty Is Worth It! If I were to ask people if they think lying is wrong, my prediction is that majority of people would say...
Lesson 19: Don't Take It Personal!
This lesson I learned in the classroom VERY early. There would be instances where first thing in the morning a scholar would walk in and...