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Lesson 8: I Am Worthy! (And You Are Too!)

I was hesitant to write this blog post because I don’t want the message to be misconstrued, but I know the lesson is important.

I am worthy, and you are too! Please let that penetrate your heart today.

After going through a hard season, I felt God’s peace and joy, but honestly, I was having a hard time dreaming again. In my thoughts, I settled. To me, God had been soooo good to me in healing my pain that I thought that was enough. I thought, “God has brought me this far so I’m just going to coast through and lay low.” I was not expectant at all. Through the teaching at my church, in my Bible studies, and personal study time God awakened my heart. He showed me where my thoughts about Him were not aligned with who truly is. He showed me where I was limiting Him. He showed me that He really does want us to partner in dreaming with Him. He showed me again His great love for me and all people. The story of Jesus is the most amazing love story EVER! God literally did not want to be separated from us, so He did something about it. Out story does not stop at the fall in the garden, it continues because of God’s immense love for us. So I had to change my thinking to see myself as worthy, just as God sees me.

When I say that we are worthy, I don’t want people to confuse that with entitlement or the absence of struggle. There are still things that we will have to endure. God never promised us an easy life.

Jesus did come here to save us from sin, but at the foundation of that is that He came for us to be free!

For me, there are many times in life that I realized that I am choosing “struggle” as my story because I am afraid to believe that I are WORTHY! When we see ourselves as God sees us, we would realize that He already knew that we could overcome low self-esteem. He knew we could build the business. He knew we could be a good mother/father despite what our childhood looked like. The list can go on. God wants us to know that we are worthy of the riches that He bestows on us. Ephesians 2: 4-7 (ESV) says “4 But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which He loved us, 5 even when we were dead on our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have be saved – 6 and raised up with him in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, 7 so that in the coming ages He might show the immeasurable riches of His grace in the Kingdom toward us in Christ Jesus!” He did not put us on this Earth to be small, in bondage, or to simply exist! He knows exactly who we are and what He created! There are still things God wants to see us become and fulfill. He wants to see us be our full selves. He wants to see us walking in freedom and thriving! We have to accept this love and believe it though!

We are worthy just as we are. Not just when you repent and turn back to him, (do that too, lol.) But God knows us deeply. We are being perfected through Him. He is not waiting for us to become anything. He is asking for us to notice our identity right here and now just as we are!

I pray that you can really receive this message! God loves you soooo much! Please believe it!

For me, I am speaking over myself that I am worthy of true love, big dreams, and strong community. Even as I am writing this, this practice is difficult, but I know that God is renewing my mind on this.

In the message leave a comment using the sentence frame “I am worthy of…”. Take this with you and believe it!

Love y’all!

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